Latest Episodes
Layman's Training Articles vs. Scientific Articles, Our Coaching To-Do Lists
Host topics covered in this episode:1:30 Listener feedback 4:20 What is a graded exercise test? 8:15 Where do you get your training information? We...
Is there really an "Ultimate FTP Builder" session?, Session Failure, Training and Carbohydrate Ingestion
Host topics covered in this episode:1:25 What happens when an athlete can’t complete a session? What is the role of the athlete and the...
Does core strength increase FTP?, Why test VO2max?, and Rest Weeks
Host topics covered in this episode:2:05 Is there a correlation between core strength and FTP? At what point does this correlation end and should...
Skills Training, Pre-race Intervals, and 'Pre-Packaged' Training Plans
Host topics covered in this episode:1:45 Developing an athlete’s skills. Does skills training find its way into a training program? When is the right...
Introducing The Cycling Performance Club Podcast!
Welcome to The Cycling Performance Club Podcast! Introducing a new podcast called The Cycling Performance Club Podcast! And as you might have already been...